Hi everyone,
it is very nice to see you here.
My name is Gabriele, I live in Essex, and my passion is stone carving, as you may discover whilst looking through my website.
I've been a sculptor for over 28 years, and I find it exciting and satisfying to create something out of a material that has been around for maybe millions of years.
Enjoy my work and thank you for coming!
Summer 2022
23rd February 2022
I am so looking forward to working in my outside studio again. It's a bit wet and windy at the minute. The pigeons had a field day on my work bench. Won't show a photograph, you might be having your breakfast or lunch.
I am pleased with the picture below, that I took the other evening.
15th January 2022
I love January. To me, January represents a new beginning.
Haven't done a lot of sculpturing, the weather hasn't been too kind. I have bought some clay, that's looking at me. All I need is a kiln.
13th October 2021
Finished my sculpture.
9th October 2021
Wouldn't you know it? Yes, today, a beautiful day for sculpturing, a day for refining my sculpture. Looking at the photographs I took, I noticed that one of the eyes is out of sync. Better luck tomorrow. Anyway, a picture that I took of my jewels cheered me up.
30th September 2021
I certainly need some more stone. I have a small piece of slate left and an old sculpture that I never finished. Mmmmm. What's next?
29th September 2021
It's my Mums birthday today and I have been thinking of her the whole day.
I changed my sculpture slightly, although I worked on it for quite a few hours, the change seems minimal. See below.
23rd September 2021
I thought that I had finished my sculpture last week, BUT today I changed it again. Knowing me I won't be able to leave it alone.
16th September 2021
The day I thought that I finished my sculpture. Video below.
23rd August 2021
This marble sculpture (see below) has been troubling me and I have worked on it on and off for quite a while. The marble is from Lasa in Italy, South Tyrol. It is believed to be 400 million years old, and it is beautiful. Hopefully I can go there again and buy some more marble.
I bought the stone direct from their quarry (shop/ yard) while on holiday in Italy, where I have previously bought marble as well.
This is the first time that I have been at a loss on how to proceed with a sculpture. (Thinking about it, it has happened to me before, but not like this) I could have turned it anothter way. I could have, maybe I should have, but I didn't. The stone was also at an angle and wouldn't stand up. That's sorted.
The sculpture is nearly finished, but I am not happy with it yet. Also, the last couple of weeks, especially the last few days, I have been working under duress, because pigeons mating and flapping about right above my head in the trees behind and above me. Feathers flying and other bits, and several times I had to make a run for it. I tried to shoo them away, they didn't care. Today they were especially brazen and just flew by me with bits of something in their beak. Noises didn't put them off and I gave up as I didn't want to be attacked or have something dropped on me.
Still a bit to do on this marble sculpture. I am getting there.
One of my favourite sculptures.
My very first sculpture.
My love for Amedeo Modigliani inspired me to sculpt.
To work on that sculpture was like an epiphany, a joy. I realised that it was something that I wanted to do.
On that day I finished the red sandstone sculpture.
This is an interpretation of my maternal grandmother when she was young. (My new box of crayons)
18th May 2021
My new Cotswold sculpture. See below. Measurments: 13.5" x 10" x 7".
It has an ore of iron running through it, and pieces of crystal in it. I like it.
16th May 2021
I have been working on my Cotswold stone sculpture, trying not to get soaked in the torrential rain.
10th May 2021
A few weeks ago I started work on another Cotswold sculpture. Wasn't happy with it, but today I pursued it again.
20th April 2021
Finished my conrete sculpture today, not before messing up the eyes yesterday. I took the chisel and the file to it again today.
I will have to leave it alone and looking at it now I am very pleased with it.
17th April 2021
Cement / concrete sculpting is trickier than I thought. Still at it.
16th April 2021
Have been working on my concrete sculpture for the last few days. I am sculpting it direct, without making a mould. Hopefully it turns out well. Once it is finished, I intend to paint it. Maybe blue with some black. My first thought was pink, but I've given up on that idea.
It isn't very big, as it was from leftover concrete in a bag that turned hard over the winter. It's about 12" in height I think.
See below
Concrete sculpture - work in progress.
25th March 2021
Just finished my little Cotswold stone sculptue. I think it is gorgeous.
4th March 2021
My slate sculpture.
What a miserable day it was today, but I braved the elements and finished my sculpture.
Below are three photographs. In the one on the left she's still smiling. She has lost the big smile but now she has an enigmatic look about her, which I like. The picture in the middle is of the original stone before I started working on it.
3rd March 2021
Worked on my sculpture for the last two days and finished it yesterday. I looked at it last night and realised that I wasn't happy with the eyes.
Got out today in the clearing fog and started re - shaping the eyes. Then it started raining. Now, my work of art has lost her smile plus she's crossed eyed. Will send photo when she's presentable and once it stopped raining.
28th February 2021
Worked quite a while on my sculpture today, it still isn't right and unfortunately I wiped the smile off her face. During polishing I noticed that the stone does have a greenish tint. Will carry on working on it tomorrow.
Press cutting from 1997. N.E.L.I.A. Group exhibition at the Changing Room Gallery, Walthamstow, London E17